Facial Aesthetics

Dr Thomas Newbery provides the following facial aesthetics treatments at Eastside Dental:

Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Quick and painless treatments which tackle lines and wrinkles by reducing their appearance and preventing them from forming. There are a range of treatments and options available and we will be able to better advise as to your best option following a consultation.

Results will vary depending on the individual but typically last 3-6 months. Common treatment areas include crow’s feet (lines outside the eyes), the glabella (lines between your eyebrows) and horizontal forehead lines.

Full forehead cost – £300.  Additional £50 for Crows Feet.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are made from hyaluronic acid (HA) and can be used to fill lines and wrinkles such as the line between the nose and mouth. They are also used to augment the shape and size of the lip. With a greater understanding of the changes that occur with ageing, there are numerous ways dermal fillers can be used to build the facial contour, for example adding more structure to the cheekbones.

Prices start from £250.

‘Gummy Smile’ Reduction

‘Gummy smile’ treatment is an option for those who may feel that their gums are over-exposed when smiling. This procedure uses anti-wrinkle injections to weaken the muscles which pull the upper lip when you smile. The treatment involves three to four tiny injections and the effects usually last for 3-6 months.

Prices start from £250.

Peri-Oral Lines & Maisonette Lines

Prices range from £275-£300.

How to book your appointment

We will talk you through your options and advise you on a suitable treatment. This is done on an individual basis and will include multiple options to help you decide what’s best for you.

To book your consultation with Dr. Newbery, please call the practice on 01792 642733.


The cost to reserve your appointment is £70, if you are suitable for treatment and choose to go ahead with the procedure this will count towards the overall cost.